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katydid meaning in Hindi

katydid sentence in Hindi
1.There are hundreds of bush-and tree-dwelling katydid species.

2.To the lady katydid, it's pure opera.

3.Katydids, also named for their sound, are, like crickets.

4.The Mormon cricket actually is a katydid, similar to a grasshopper.

5.If grasshoppers have multiplied, so have butterflies, katydids, and cicadas.

6.Most insects died off, except for katydids, cockroaches and crazy ants.

7.Crickets, katydids and grasshoppers figure prominently in folklore, fables and culture.

8.Male katydids generate sound by rubbing their wings together.

9.With careful observations of katydid and pigment under different conditions, and ecdysis.

10.Katydids and cicadas have different sounds and schedules.

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large green long-horned grasshopper of North America; males produce shrill sounds by rubbing together special organs on the forewings

How to say katydid in Hindi and what is the meaning of katydid in Hindi? katydid Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.