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lighting meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'laitiŋ ]  sound:  
lighting sentence in Hindi
1.Lighting Condition;Day;Cloudy;Inside
प्रकाश व्यवस्था की स्थिति;दिन;बादलमय;भीतर

2.Public Solar Lighting .
सार्वजनिक सौर प्रकाश प्रणाली

the act of setting something on fire
Synonyms: ignition, firing, kindling, inflammation,

the craft of providing artificial light; "an interior decorator must understand lighting"

apparatus for supplying artificial light effects for the stage or a film

having abundant light or illumination; "they played as long as it was light"; "as long as the lighting was good"
Synonyms: light,

How to say lighting in Hindi and what is the meaning of lighting in Hindi? lighting Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.