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motive meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'məutiv ]  sound:  
verb past tense: motived   verb past participle: motived   noun plural: motives   verb present participle: motiving   
motive sentence in Hindi
1.Come to the subtext and read the motives .
जरा इन सबके पीछे छिपे संदेशों और मंशाओं को समज्हों .

2.But there was a sinister motive behind this welfare project .
परंतु इस कल्याणकारी योजना के पीछे एक बहुत घृणित कुचक्र था .

3.To suspect our motives is unfair .
हमारे मकसद के बारे में शक करना अनुचित है .

4.Their motive is - Publicity of the Vedas
जिनका उदेश्य है - वेद प्रचार

5.Rajya sabha's anti state motives
राज्य सभा के गैर संघीय तत्व

6.In any event , the profit motive should be subordinated to the social motive .
हमें हर हालत में सामाजिक उद्देश्य को लाभ के उद्देश्य से ऊपर रखना चाहिए .

7.In any event , the profit motive should be subordinated to the social motive .
हमें हर हालत में सामाजिक उद्देश्य को लाभ के उद्देश्य से ऊपर रखना चाहिए .

8.The authorities, however, have blinded themselves to the extensive circumstantial evidence, insisting that “ no facts at this point ” substantiate a religious motive for the murders.
इस्लामवादी आतंकवाद की अवहेलना

9.Suddenly , as if by a flash of lightning , the true motives of the statesman are lighted up .
अचानक जैसे बिजली चमकती है , वैसे ही इन राजनेताओं के असली इरादे उभर कर सामने आ जाते हैं .

10.Before expressing the aims and motives of the Constitution, usually a preamble is presented.
संविधान के उद्देश्यों को प्रकट करने हेतु प्राय: उनसे पहले एक प्रस्तावना प्रस्तुत की जाती है।

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the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior; "we did not understand his motivation"; "he acted with the best of motives"
Synonyms: motivation, need,

a design or figure that consists of recurring shapes or colors, as in architecture or decoration
Synonyms: motif,

a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music
Synonyms: motif,

impelling to action; "it may well be that ethical language has primarily a motivative function"- Arthur Pap; "motive pleas"; "motivating arguments"
Synonyms: motivative, motivating,

causing or able to cause motion; "a motive force"; "motive power"; "motor energy"
Synonyms: motor,

How to say motive in Hindi and what is the meaning of motive in Hindi? motive Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.