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plotting meaning in Hindi

plotting sentence in Hindi
1.The choppy second act has never been a miracle of plotting.

2.Jerry Jones is plotting a " Jamestown Massacre ."

3.He began plotting to kill Anderson before being restrained by Magruder.

4.Investigators believe that McVeigh had been plotting the bombing for weeks.

5.And he's not plotting to inflate prices anytime soon.

6.He isn't capable of such elaborate forgery or plotting.

7.But today wealth has sapped any energy for politics or plotting.

8.That's because plotting the exchange points demands maximum concentration.

9.Organizers are plotting strategies in at least a dozen additional cities.

10.Now I think the group of them is plotting something horrible.

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How to say plotting in Hindi and what is the meaning of plotting in Hindi? plotting Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.