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English-Hindi > prioritization

prioritization meaning in Hindi

prioritization sentence in Hindi
1."It's a matter of prioritization ."

2.I disagree that it is only a matter of development prioritization.

3."It's ultimately a matter of prioritization.

4.Harris said, " but rebounding is largely prioritization.

5.There will have to be a process of constant prioritization and compromise.

6.This prioritization will allow the government to address more pressing manners first.

7.In terms of prioritization they are low down on my priority list.

8.In a PEG, these ambiguities never arise, because of prioritization.

9.These substances were subject to a separate prioritization assessment and accordingly evaluated.

10.But something needs to change, and that is prioritization.

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How to say prioritization in Hindi and what is the meaning of prioritization in Hindi? prioritization Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.