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English-Hindi > saccharose

saccharose meaning in Hindi

saccharose sentence in Hindi
1.Saccharose is an obsolete name for sugars in general, especially sucrose.

2.The sweet notes are a combination of naturally occurring glucose, fructose, saccharose, maltose and maltriose.

3.By NMR spectroscopy, it is therefore easy to detect whether the alcohol in wine was fermented from glucose, or from illicitly added saccharose.

4.MEYS contains liquid skimmed milk, chicken egg yolk, yeast extract and saccharose and HEYS contains veal homogenate, chicken egg yolk, yeast extract and saccharose.

5.MEYS contains liquid skimmed milk, chicken egg yolk, yeast extract and saccharose and HEYS contains veal homogenate, chicken egg yolk, yeast extract and saccharose.

6.Saccharose does not have a reducing end because of full acetal formation between the aldehyde carbon of glucose ( C1 ) and the keto carbon of fructose ( C2 ).

7.Stoward specialised in fermentation and other chemical processes, publishing papers like " On the Influence Exercised by certain Acids on the Inversion of Saccharose by Sucrase " and " On Endospermic Respiration in Certain Seeds ".

8.When " P . vulgaris " is tested using the API 20E identification system it produces positive results for sulfur reduction, urease production, tryptophan deaminase production, indole production, sometimes positive gelatinase activity, and saccharose fermentation, and negative results for the remainder of the tests on the testing strip.

a complex carbohydrate found in many plants and used as a sweetening agent
Synonyms: sucrose,

How to say saccharose in Hindi and what is the meaning of saccharose in Hindi? saccharose Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.