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sacristan meaning in Hindi

sacristan sentence in Hindi
1.Arganda was a former sacristan ( altar boy ) of Guimbaolibot.

2.Efigenio Golvano Sacristan, an Iberdrola director, said after the auction.

3.Eusebio Sacristan Mena put Celta ahead at the 23rd minute.

4.El mayordomo, " a combination of sacristan and Indian chief ".

5.There he was appointed to work as the sacristan of the house.

6.Is a sacristan in the Catholic church allowed to marry?

7.Angelotti and the Sacristan in Puccini's " Tosca,"

8.Transport and Communications Minister Carlos Ruiz Sacristan told reporters.

9.The Sacristan kneels in prayer as the Angelus sounds.

10.The under-sacristan ( custos ) is also mentioned in the Decretals.

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an officer of the church who is in charge of sacred objects
Synonyms: sexton,

How to say sacristan in Hindi and what is the meaning of sacristan in Hindi? sacristan Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.