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sad meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ sæd ]  sound:  
sad sentence in Hindi
1.Composers know that. If they want sad music
संगीतकार यह जानते हैं. अगर उन्हें उदास संगीत चाहिए हो

2.The boy was sad as he left her that day .
उस दिन फातिमा से अलग होते हुए लड़के का मन वहुत दुखी था ।

3.She nodded and gave him a sad smile in reply .
उसने सिर हिलाया और उत्तर में उदास भाव से मुस्करा दी ।

4.When he was punished, Subash babu felt sad and wept
गोपिनाथ को फॉंसी होने के बाद सुभाषबाबू जोर से रोये।

5.“ He used to play such sad songs . ”
“ हमेशा उसके गितार से उदास धुनें सुनाई देती थीं । ”

6.Madam Mahadevi Vema was sad of her married life.
श्रीमती महादेवी वर्मा को विवाहित जीवन से विरक्ति थी।

7.It's sad, and it's not pleasant to talk about,
यह दर्दनाक है और इसके बारे में बात करना अच्छा नहीं लगता,

8.It's so sad that we constantly say,
ये बहुत दुख की बात है कि हम हमेशा कहते रहते हैं कि

9.And the job of the C is to make the B sad. And it does, doesn't it?
और सी का काम है बी को उदास बनाना. और वो बनाता है, है न?

10.I was sad , but I told them : “ I am tired . ”
मैं उदास था , पर उनसे मैं यही कहता कि ऐसा थकान की वजह से है … ।

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experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness; "feeling sad because his dog had died"; "Better by far that you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad"- Christina Rossetti

bad; unfortunate; "my finances were in a deplorable state"; "a lamentable decision"; "her clothes were in sad shape"; "a sorry state of affairs"
Synonyms: deplorable, distressing, lamentable, pitiful, sorry,

of things that make you feel sad; "sad news"; "she doesn''t like sad movies"; "it was a very sad story"; "When I am dead, my dearest, / Sing no sad songs for me"- Christina Rossetti

How to say sad in Hindi and what is the meaning of sad in Hindi? sad Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.