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sadist meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'sedist ]  sound:  
sadist sentence in Hindi
1.Unless they are sadists, military pros are revolted by that.

2.Bacon was somehow the sadist and the partners were the masochists.

3."We are not sadists, " he said.

4.A predatory sadist, Chiruthevi enjoyed torturing Kunjuraman physically and mentally.

5.They claimed he was not the sadist portrayed by the prosecution.

6.Pooja takes it as an insult and considers Suraj a sadist.

7.Rigo was found by the psychologists to not be a sadist.

8."I'm not a sadist,"

9.The latest wasp census finds 62 red sadists in my living room.

10."I'm not much of a sadist, finally.

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someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others

How to say sadist in Hindi and what is the meaning of sadist in Hindi? sadist Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.