41. To do so allows such a falsehood to evolve in status from damnable lie, to plausible notion, eventually to indisputable gospel truth. 42. He wrote in a letter that he supported vivisection for " real investigations on physiology; but not for mere damnable and detestable curiosity. 43. He says that sins such as usury, bribery, sloth, pride and gluttony are okay the only truly damnable sin is adultery. 44. To say that the error [ of the Protestants ] . . . is damnable heresy, is not this to preach the Gospel? 45. Having been through that damnable menu, from appetizers all the way to the desserts, I slammed down the instrument in futility and disgust. 46. "No influence was adequate to keep him from the damnable propensity to drink, " that editor remarks in a Morgan letter. 47. Daily Mail, another Conservative London paper, printed an article Tuesday headlined : " Hollywood and damnable lies about the British ." 48. The bent outrigger rod was pulled from its holder without first unleashing the safety rope; not a single crank could get past that damnable cord. 49. Along the way there emerged a solid body of evidence pointing to provable, and damnable , lies by people in high-ranking government posts. 50. The Daily Mail, another Conservative London paper, printed an article Tuesday headlined : " Hollywood and damnable lies about the British ."