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English-Hindi > etymon" sentence in Hindi

etymon in a sentence

21.A Thracian personal name " Bessus " ( attested in Northern Montenegro along with other Thracian names such as " Teres " ) is considered to have the same etymon as " Bessi " ( Wilkes, 1982 ).

22.This is upheld by Giovan Battista Pellegrini, who claims that " The Arabic form for Butera, always with the interdental, should be an indication of a Greek etymon with / d / ( the etymological assumptions from Arabic do not satisfy ) ".

23.The Merdicas ( also spelled Mardicas or Mardikas ), whose name comes from the same etymon, were also the Catholic natives of the islands of Ternate and Tidore of the Moluccas, converted during the Ternate and Tanza, Cavite, Manila in 1663.

24.He was president of Etymon Systems, an open source software company founded in 1998 and best known for producing Etymon PJ, which became the standard library for generating Java, and Amberfish, a large scale information retrieval system for semi-structured text and XML.

25.He was president of Etymon Systems, an open source software company founded in 1998 and best known for producing Etymon PJ, which became the standard library for generating Java, and Amberfish, a large scale information retrieval system for semi-structured text and XML.

26.Within one generation the etymon, meaning " Green Port " or " Trading Place " ( cf Norwich, Harwich and Ipswich in England ) of the surname had assumed the distinctly West Indian orthographic format of Greenidge, while maintaining a very similar phenomic identity.

27.As mentioned above, in forms like * " dwi-bhr-o "-( etymon of Greek " diphr�s ", above ), the new " coefficients sonantiques " ( unlike the six resonants ) have no reflexes at all in any daughter language.

28.According to them, the Arabic word " maraba "  song " ( from the triliteral root l-R-B  provoke emotion, excitement, agitation; make music, entertain by singing " ) could partly be the etymon of the verb " trobar ".

29.The obvious slots were all taken by five short vowel reconstructions with strong phonetic claims, and the etymon for the sixth vowel was put into the most available space, phonetically speaking : not high, not low, not front, not back : * " Y " " schwa ".

30.It is worthwhile also to consider an etymon existing before Tolkien's languages ( of which he surely would have known ) : the Norse'b�l'means'fire,'and an epithet of Odin, likely referring to his warlike nature, was'B�leygr,'or'fire-eyed .'

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