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English-Hindi > etymon" sentence in Hindi

etymon in a sentence

31.Matasovi recommends that instances of initial * " x "-in Slavic should first be explained by recourse to regular Slavic sound laws, and that Iranian should be proposed as a source if and only if the etymon has been attested in Iranian and if and only if there is additional phonetic evidence to support the proposal.

32.The common thread of the etymon is the prehistoric native placename, followed by pre-Columbian settlements of that name at these locations, the founding of missions at those locations, the production of wine, the rise of haciendas with that placename, the production of liquor, and the trading of that liquor into the city of Potos?

33.But here's a clue to the etymon, from Robert Goldman of New Rochelle, N . Y . : " Your reference to a ` $ 40 word'evoked a fuzzy recollection of a radio program called ` Paul Wing's Spelling Bee,'where dollar values ( none of which approached $ 40 ) were assigned to words ."

34.In Penone's work, above all its more recent developments, the opposed concepts of " identit?" ( " identity " ) and " identicit?" ( " analogy " ) are assimilated according to a logic that is not extraneous to the Italian language, as in other European languages in which the two cognate words share the same etymon.

35.:: : : : Also the word " Orange " ( the place ) that existed before the arrival of the fruit was for a wholly different purpose with different origins . cf . " Bark " ( tree outer layer ) has different etymons than " Bark " ( ship ), the former also gave rise to modern " Birch " and the latter modern " Barge ".

36.In my [ judgment ] both the specific intention and general etymon of " Person " in such sentences fully authorise the use of it and which instead of he, she, him, her, who, whom . "-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, as written in Anima Poet?: From the Unpublished Note-books of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, edited by Ernest Coleridge ( 1895 ), p . 190.

37.Thus alongside the pair'fast':'faster'displaying Grassmann's law, Greek has the pair'thick':'thicker'from the PIE etymon ( established by cognate forms like Sanskrit " bah?"'abundant'since is the only point of intersection between Greek " p " and Sanskrit " b " ), in which the in the comparative is a result of levelling.

38.It is effectively possible that " alfajor " and " alaj?" were Arabisms introduced into the Spanish language in different places and times, and, supposing both came from the same etymon, from the phonetic point of view, " alaj?" is an Arabism of the Castillian, and so it is still alive in Cuenca, Guadalajara and in " la Sierra de la pe�a " ( France ); meanwhile the variation " alfajor is"

39.Within the relative chronology of Balto-Slavic sound changes, this law was, in its first occurrence in the Balto-Slavic period, posterior to the loss of Proto-Indo-European accentual mobility ( i . e . later than the advent of Balto-Slavic mobile paradigms, such as the above-mentioned Lithuanian " dukt ", as opposed to non-final stress in Ancient Greek etymons ), so its application was originally limited to the inflection of polysyllabic consonant stems.

40.In an interview with Ward Parks published in " LoveStreet LampPost " ( January-March 2000, p . 45 ), Eruch explained : " In [ Gujarati ], the last word of the prayer was marji ( marzi in Urdu ), an etymon that does not differentiate between'wish'and'will'but encompasses both meanings . " The prayer is recited as given above during aarti ceremonies at Meherabad, and is given in this form on the official Avatar Meher Baba Trust website.

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