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English-Hindi > interpose" sentence in Hindi

interpose in a sentence

21.It is focused mostly on the subplots of the song with shots of the band interposed.

22.It is for you then to interpose in this conflict in the patient s mental life.

23.Several additional reaction intermediates occur interposed.

24.Rakes, brooms and shovels are often used in desperation to interpose an object between the combatants.

25.The HUMINT collector should allow specialized or senior sources more latitude to interpose their opinions and evaluations.

26.He interposed himself as a translator when Ouko's maid Salina Were was interviewed by Troon.

27.A fierce combat developed, culminating in Cornwallis interposing his flagship between the British and French forces.

28.In some areas, troops from the U . N . force are to be interposed between them.

29.These lectures are interposed with explicit descriptions of Ken's sexual fantasies with another character, Chloe.

30.Dividend stripping will generally result in money to owners being taxed as dividends, irrespective of interposed steps.

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How to say interpose in Hindi and what is the meaning of interpose in Hindi? interpose Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.