31. He included not only peacekeeping but peacemaking, or interposing force between warring parties whether or not they agreed. 32. The proposed U . N . force would not _ and should not _ interpose itself between active combatants. 33. As many as 67 days, divided into two menses intercalares, were now interposed between November and December. 34. Leapers are ( as unblockable ) not able to create check of a leaper cannot be parried by interposing . 35. The French government, however, interposed obstacles to the granting of any such license to the German government. 36. Generic bodies could be mass-produced and different figures created by interposing different heads and costumes on them. 37. Flavian and Eusebius had previously interposed an appeal to the Roman Pope and to a synod held by him. 38. The serjeant commenced a prosecution against him in the Star Chamber; in which the Earl of Leicester interposed . 39. A planned and potentially significant interposing of U . N . forces between the front lines has not taken place. 40. Moments of real interest, however, do interpose occasionally, adding the element of excellence to the general celebration.