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English-Hindi > lode" sentence in Hindi

lode in a sentence

21.The members of Lode have known each other for years.

22.Obviously the miscreants thought they had discovered the mother lode.

23.He found his mother lode in . . . mothers.

24.In 1996, Internet lucre proved as elusive as the mother lode.

25.They are the mother lode of anti-crime grandstanding.

26.Everyone wants to mine the mother lode for a hit,

27.For former members, this will be the mother lode.

28.I realized the real mother lode of nostalgia was the breakfast table.

29.Meanwhile, the radio station has gotten a mother lode of publicity.

30.And it made mincemeat of Mother Lode a la Mode.

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How to say lode in Hindi and what is the meaning of lode in Hindi? lode Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.