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English-Hindi > varus" sentence in Hindi

varus in a sentence

41.Tertullus and Magna had a son and only child called Gaius Julius Plancius Varus Cornutus.

42.In 6 AD, Tiberius declared Germany pacified, and Varus was appointed to govern Germania.

43.For the time being, the province contained five legions and was under Publius Quinctilius Varus.

44.After the defeat at the Battle of Thapsus, Varus fled to Hispania ( Spain ).

45.After his service as a praetor, Varus implied treasonable behavior by a Roman called Dolabella.

46."There is a varus deformity of the left foot, " they said bluntly.

47.Varus'political legacy in Rome was destroyed, and the government blamed him for the defeat.

48.After Varus'execution Cleopatra had taken Varus'remains to her home in Daraa, Syria.

49.After Varus'execution Cleopatra had taken Varus'remains to her home in Daraa, Syria.

50.He was a near relative ( perhaps the brother or cousin ) of Titus Flavius Postumius Varus.

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