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sonority meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ sə'nɔriti ]  sound:  
noun plural: sonorities   
sonority sentence in Hindi
1.Other composers used electronics and extended techniques to create new sonorities.

2.The songs had a better production and care with the sonority.

3.Several listeners were able to identify Nyiregyh�zi by his distinctive sonority.

4.The sonority values of segments are determined by a sonority hierarchy.

5.The sonority values of segments are determined by a sonority hierarchy.

6.Note the beautiful sonority achieved at the end of this composition.

7.The word must be able to free its own manifold sonorities.

8.Yet Abbado clearly relishes the rich sonorities of modern instruments.

9.The sonorities don't work and I think Beethoven knew it.

10.She has complete tonal control, and a massive sonority.

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having the character of a loud deep sound; the quality of being resonant
Synonyms: plangency, resonance, reverberance, ringing, sonorousness, vibrancy,

How to say sonority in Hindi and what is the meaning of sonority in Hindi? sonority Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.