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stratigraphy meaning in Hindi

stratigraphy sentence in Hindi
1.Varves are amongst the smallest-scale events recognised in stratigraphy.

2.Debris avalanche blocks are identifiable because they keep their internal stratigraphy.

3.In British stratigraphy, the Visean is subdivided into five substages.

4.In his later papers he turned to geomorphology and palaeozoic stratigraphy.

5.Eastern Indonesia has generally older stratigraphy compared to the western part.

6.Shaw ( 1947 ) published a limited summary of the stratigraphy.

7.He wrote extensively about paleontology and stratigraphy, describing 707 Sarmatian.

8.These variations provide a lithostratigraphy or lithologic stratigraphy of the rock unit.

9.This has led to the specialized field of isotopic stratigraphy.

10.Brotchie's steading facing NE showing the depth of stratigraphy

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the branch of geology that studies the arrangement and succession of strata

How to say stratigraphy in Hindi and what is the meaning of stratigraphy in Hindi? stratigraphy Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.