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English-Hindi > sunglasses

sunglasses meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'sʌnglɑ:siz ]  sound:  
sunglasses sentence in Hindi
1.And I sold sunglasses, when I was in school,
स्कूल में मैनें धूप के चश्में भी बेचे हैं,

2.So I sold lots and lots of sunglasses.
और मैनें बहुत ही सारे धूप के चश्में बेचे ।

spectacles that are darkened or polarized to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun; "he was wearing a pair of mirrored shades"
Synonyms: dark glasses, shades,

How to say sunglasses in Hindi and what is the meaning of sunglasses in Hindi? sunglasses Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.