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tax evader meaning in Hindi

tax evader sentence in Hindi

tax    चुंगी टैक्स दाम
1."I don't want to become a tax evader _ I can't live like that,"

2.Cats are of incredibly low value-particularly low level ones like " Italian tax evader ".

3.Davis attacked Feinstein in campaign ads, likening her to wealthy hotelier and tax evader Leona Helmsley.

4.Creationist and tax evader Kent Hovind may face a sentence of up to 288 years in prison.

5.I have never been a tax evader,

6.Charlie Flaherty is a tax evader.

7.LAROUCHE-CAMPAIGN ( Undated ) _ Perennial contender and convicted tax evader Lyndon LaRouche explains his platform, largely fiscal.

8.But nearly a year later, the IRS notified him that agency records show him to be a tax evader.

9.I'm not a tax evader.

10.The Justice Ministry says simply that prostitutes who don't file their returns will be dealt with like any other tax evader.

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How to say tax evader in Hindi and what is the meaning of tax evader in Hindi? tax evader Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.