1. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit see page 13. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit के लिए पान क्रमांक 13 देख सकते है । 2. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit see page 13. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit के लिए पान क्रमांक 13 देख सकते है । 3. It was only meant for Hindus and Muslims were exempted from this tax. यह मुस्लिम लोगों पर नहीं लगाया जाता था। 4. Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit ःओउसिन्ग् भेनेङिट् या फिर छोउन्चिल् ठद् भेनेङिट् 5. - P60 certificate for pay , tax and NI contributions P60 आमदनी , टॅक्स NI contributions के सर्टिफिकेट पर मिलेगा 6. - P60 certificate for pay , tax and NI contributions P60 आमदनी , टॅक्स NI contributions के सर्टिफिकेट पर मिलेगा 7. Tax administration , of course , is n't yet efficient . कर उगाही प्रशासन बेशक अभी भी पहले की तरह ही सुस्त है .8. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit see page 17. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit : पान क्रमांक 17 देख सकते है । 9. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit see page 17. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit : पान क्रमांक 17 देख सकते है । 10. Check first what benefits or tax credits you may be able to get. पहले यह जान ले कि आप को किस से benefits or tax credits मिल सकता है ।