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teachable meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'ti:tʃəbl ]  sound:  
teachable sentence in Hindi
1.Joe tells friends he never believed hitting was a teachable art.

2."These are teachable moments, " says Snow.

3.The teachable things, he doesn't do so well.

4.Rather, says Bartley, it's a teachable moment.

5.The breed is willing and teachable with a very good temperament.

6.Surely, these are the words of a teachable man.

7."Look for the teachable moment, " says Haffner.

8._Make going to the mall or a movie a teachable experience.

9.Listening is a learnable, teachable skill, " he said.

10.Is successful selling a talent or a teachable skill?

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ready and willing to be taught; "docile pupils eager for instruction"; "teachable youngsters"
Synonyms: docile,

How to say teachable in Hindi and what is the meaning of teachable in Hindi? teachable Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.