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together meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ tə'geðə ]  sound:  
together sentence in Hindi
1.That's out there that's actually holding it all together.
जिसने पूरी संरचना को एक सूत्र में बांधे रखा है.

2.Both armies together attached Imphal and Kohima.
दोनो फौजो ने मिलकर इंफाल और कोहिमा पर आक्रमण किया।

3.The marathon found ways to bring people together.
मैराथन लोगों को एक साथ लाने के लिए तरीके खोजता गया.

4.Later they worked together in Moscow and China .
बाद में मास्को व चीन में दोनों ने साथ साथ काम किया .

5.Keep your fingers close together and straight, and lose your finger on the right side.
स्तनों को अच्छी तरह तथा हल्के दबाईए |

6.Now, together the myriad cultures of the world
अब आप विश्व की असंख्य संस्कृतियों को एकत्रित करें

7.And in fact, we did sometimes do physics together.
और कभी-कभी हमने साथ में भौतिक विज्ञानं पर काम किया |

8.We ' ve always had our meals together .
हमारे घर में आज तक सब लोग एक साथ बैठकर भोजन करते आए हैं ।

9.- try to bring my family together with laughter.
- हँसी से अपने परिवार को एक साथ लाने के प्रयास में.

10.Help them to read signs and labels when you're out together
गीतों और छंदों (कविताओं) का एक साथ पाठ करने से

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at the same time; "we graduated together"

with cooperation and interchange; "we worked together on the project"
Synonyms: unitedly, unitedly,

with a common plan; "act in concert"
Synonyms: in concert, in concert,

in contact with each other or in proximity; "the leaves stuck together"

assembled in one place; "we were gathered together"

in each other''s company; "we went to the movies together"; "the family that prays together stays together"

at the same time; "we graduated together"

with cooperation and interchange; "we worked together on the project"
Synonyms: unitedly, unitedly,

with a common plan; "act in concert"
Synonyms: in concert, in concert,

in contact with each other or in proximity; "the leaves stuck together"

assembled in one place; "we were gathered together"

in each other''s company; "we went to the movies together"; "the family that prays together stays together"

mentally and emotionally stable; "she''s really together"

How to say together in Hindi and what is the meaning of together in Hindi? together Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.