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English-Hindi > toothache

toothache meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'tu:θeik ]  sound:  
noun plural: toothaches   
toothache sentence in Hindi
1.A visit to the dentist can be worse than a toothache.

2.It's like going to the dentist with a toothache.

3.It doesn't help that he has a killer toothache.

4.Lester Hayes's toothache has turned into a real pain.

5.Nobody thinks twice about going to a dentist for a toothache.

6.It feels like a toothache at the front of my knee.

7.It can potentially cause a bad toothache or precipitate an infection.

8.Like a man with a toothache, or a bad back.

9.I have not forgotten you, but I have a toothache.

10.Supposedly, toothache sufferers who invoke her name will find relief.

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an ache localized in or around a tooth
Synonyms: odontalgia,

How to say toothache in Hindi and what is the meaning of toothache in Hindi? toothache Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.