Some regular uncover will also help you for this . थोड़े समय वाले परन्तु नियमित अनावरण भी सहायता कर सकते हैं .
We're going to uncover deep truths हम गहरी सच्चाईयों को खोल पाएंगे
The trio then tested this hypothesis by looking, in part, at the Arab-Israeli conflict. To uncover the possible advantage of being perceived as the underdog, the authors conducted an experiment in which they इन तीनों ने ही अपने अध्ययन परीक्षण अरब इजरायल संघर्ष के आधार पर किया है।
remove all or part of one''s clothes to show one''s body; "uncover your belly"; "The man exposed himself in the subway" Synonyms: expose,
make visible; "Summer brings out bright clothes"; "He brings out the best in her" Synonyms: bring out, unveil, reveal,
How to say uncover in Hindi and what is the meaning of uncover in Hindi? uncover Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by