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veered meaning in Hindi

veered sentence in Hindi
1.The trucks veered onto another back road from Breza to Vares.

2.It was his moral compass that veered hopelessly out of whack.

3.Witnesses said the plane veered sharply to the right on takeoff.

4.But Giuliani never really veered from the thread of his message.

5.The Confederates veered to one side, exposing their right flank.

6.Inside the courtroom, the atmosphere veered from tense to lighthearted.

7.Belle bolted for Baltimore, and Ventura veered to New York.

8.Instead, it veered more toward electronic commerce and product information.

9.And on the south, Interstate 435 veered past Eastwood Hills.

10.He admits the Cult had veered from course before breaking up.

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How to say veered in Hindi and what is the meaning of veered in Hindi? veered Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.