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English-Hindi > wildebeest

wildebeest meaning in Hindi

noun plural: wildebeests   
wildebeest sentence in Hindi
1.The wildebeest fights fiercely but eventually succumbs to the stronger hyena.

2.The lion bringing down the wildebeest has built-in drama.

3.There are only so many ways to film lions killing wildebeests.

4.Political opponents and the press are poised like cheetahs stalking wildebeests.

5.Let's go stomp some wildebeest and steal some hubcaps.

6.Even Hopcraft has not suggested trying to milk wildebeest or gazelles.

7.The vultures consume about 70 % of the wildebeest carcasses available.

8.The blue wildebeest has also been rated as least-concern.

9.Examples of such animals are zebras, elephants, and wildebeest.

10.Unlike wildebeest, zebras rarely take to water when escaping hyenas.

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large African antelope having a head with horns like an ox and a long tufted tail
Synonyms: gnu,

How to say wildebeest in Hindi and what is the meaning of wildebeest in Hindi? wildebeest Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.