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English-Hindi > winchester drive

winchester drive meaning in Hindi

winchester drive sentence in Hindi
विन्चेस्टर ड्राइव
winchester    राइफ़ल विन्चेस्टर
drive    गेंद मारना सैर
1.The system could have two Winchester drives and had a built in 5.25-inch floppy drive for software distribution and backup.

2.The River Trent lies to the west, with a boundary line approximately along Grammar School Walk, Richmond Close and Winchester Drive to the east.

3.The " B " model featured the ability to boot from a hard disk ( referred to as the Winchester drive ) via the boot menu due to updated firmware.

4.Currently, Terry Fox Drive is a four lane arterial between just north of Richardson Side Road and just south of Winchester Drive, and a two lane undivided road elsewhere.

5.Campbell used to be the home of the Winchester Drive-In Theater ( now a business park ) and is also home to a number of public parks that include John D . Morgan Park, Campbell Park, Edith Morley Park ( the site of the city's community garden program ), Jack Fischer Park, the Los Gatos Creek Trail Park, Orchard City Green, and Stojanovich Family Park.

How to say winchester drive in Hindi and what is the meaning of winchester drive in Hindi? winchester drive Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.