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English-Hindi > winckelmann

winckelmann meaning in Hindi

winckelmann sentence in Hindi
1.Winckelmann was homosexual, and open homoeroticism informed his writings on aesthetics.

2.He also published extensively Winckelmann's reports from Herculaneum.

3.Winckelmann had not recognized the distinctness of the two styles.

4.How about Greek-championing art critic Johann Joachim Winckelmann ( 21 )?

5.Several of these trips were made in the company of Winckelmann in 1758.

6.His connoisseurship, more than Winckelmann's, was rooted in scholarship.

7.The German aesthetic writers Johann Heinrich M�ntz and Johann Joachim Winckelmann studied vase paintings.

8.Here J . J . Winckelmann was housed.

9.It made Winckelmann famous, and was reprinted several times and soon translated into French.

10.Winckelmann arrived in Rome in November 1755.

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How to say winckelmann in Hindi and what is the meaning of winckelmann in Hindi? winckelmann Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.