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window glass meaning in Hindi

window glass sentence in Hindi
खिड़की का शीशा
खिड़की का काँच

खिडकी काच
गवाक्ष काच
window    खिड़की का काँच
glass    आईना शीशे की वस्तु
1.Window glass absorbs some harmful UV, but valuable artifacts need extra shielding.

2.The blast knocked out window glass on both sides of the street.

3.Windshield and window glass is optional but must be shatterproof if retained.

4.But, a few minutes later, John found a piece of window glass.

5.Curved window glass and round taillights mounted high characterized the new styling.

6.Apartment buildings have been stripped, everything removed, from window glass to wiring.

7.Lightweight acid dipped steel doors with thin side window glass were used.

8.The factory was also known as Schick & Hawkins Window Glass Company.

9.From the late 7th century onwards, window glass is found more frequently.

10.Police say that Parker attacked officers with a piece of window glass.

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sheet glass cut in shapes for windows or doors
Synonyms: pane, pane of glass,

How to say window glass in Hindi and what is the meaning of window glass in Hindi? window glass Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.