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yellowhammer meaning in Hindi

yellowhammer sentence in Hindi
1.Hybrids between pine bunting and yellowhammer show a mixture of characters.

2.Birds include yellowhammers, lesser whitethroats, dunnocks and song thrushes.

3.There are birds such as turtle doves, yellowhammers and reed buntings.

4.Fauna include otters, lapwings, yellowhammers and meadow pipits.

5.Yellowhammers feed on the ground, usually in flocks outside the breeding season.

6.Famous host drums include Black Lodge Singers, Cozad Singers, and Yellowhammer.

7.Gorse provides a nesting site for birds such as the yellowhammer and whitethroat.

8.The yellowhammer, an increasingly rare songbird in Ireland, is locally common.

9.Downland and wetland birds include dipper, kingfisher, yellowhammer and tree pipit.

10.The yellowhammer may carry haematozoan blood parasites such as " Haemoproteus coatneyi ".

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European bunting the male being bright yellow
Synonyms: yellow bunting, Emberiza citrinella,

large flicker of eastern North America with a red neck and yellow undersurface to wings and tail
Synonyms: yellow-shafted flicker, Colaptes auratus,

How to say yellowhammer in Hindi and what is the meaning of yellowhammer in Hindi? yellowhammer Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.