To express the emotions and behavioral patterns भावनात्मक और स्वाभाव के प्रतिरूप को अभिव्यक्त करने में
We tend to think of energy use as a behavioral thing - हम अक्सर ऊर्जा के इस्तेमाल को एक रवैय्य्ये के तौर पर देखते हैं -
By their behavioral assessments. सामने नहीं आ सकते थे.
Adopting techniques used by the U.S. Customs Service and by Israeli airport security, SPOT is “the antidote to racial profiling,” TSA spokeswoman Ann Davis , said. It discerns, she said, “extremely high levels of stress, fear and deception” through “ behavioral pattern recognition .” SPOT agents observe passengers moving about the airport, with TSA agents looking for such physical symptoms as sweating, rigid posture, and clenched fists. A screener then engages “ selectees ” in conversation and asks unexpected questions , looking at body language for signs of unnatural responses. Most selectees are immediately released, but about one-fifth are interviewed by the police. यद्यपि 11 सितम्बर 2001 के आक्रमण के बाद इस दिशा में कुछ प्रगति हुई है और सभी यात्रियों की गतिविधियों पर गहरी नजर रखी जा रही है. उदाहरण के लिये अमेरिकी विमानों की सुरक्षा के लिये उत्तरदायी यातायात सुरक्षा प्रशासन ने पर्यवेक्षण नीति द्वारा यात्रियों की जाँच नाम से एक पद्धति विकसित की जो बारह विमान सेवाओं में कार्य कर रही है.
Over the years, many people have attempted to come up with a terrorist profile to attempt to explain these individuals' actions through their psychology and social circumstances. Others, like Roderick Hindery, have sought to discern profiles in the propaganda tactics used by terrorists. Some security organizations designate these groups as violent non-state actors.[87] A 2007 study by economist Alan B. Krueger found that terrorists were less likely to come from an impoverished background (28% vs. 33%) and more likely to have at least a high-school education (47% vs. 38%). Another analysis found only 16% of terrorists came from impoverished families, vs. 30% of male Palestinians, and over 60% had gone beyond high school, vs. 15% of the populace.[88]To avoid detection, a terrorist will look, dress, and behave normally until executing the assigned mission. Some claim that attempts to profile terrorists based on personality, physical, or sociological traits are not useful.[89] The physical and behavioral description of the terrorist could describe almost any normal person.[90] However, the majority of terrorist attacks are carried out by military age men, aged 16-40 कई बार इस शब्द आतंकवाद और अतिवाद (extremism)Interchangeably उपयोग किया जाता है.हालाँकि इन दोनों के बीच एक महत्वपूर्ण अंतर है.आतंकवाद को आवश्यक रूप से खतरा है या अधिनियम के शारीरिक हिंसा (violence).अतिवाद गैर का उपयोग शामिल है-भौतिक उपकरणों राजनीतिक या वैचारिक समाप्त होता है को प्राप्त करने के लिए मन को गतिशील करने के लिए.उदाहरण के लिए अल कायदा आतंकवाद में शामिल है.इस ईरानी क्रांति 1979 के अतिवाद का एक मामला है.एक वैश्विक अनुसंधान रिपोर्ट एक समावेशी वर्ल्ड (2007) कि उग्रवाद के दशकों में आतंकवाद के मुकाबले एक अधिक गंभीर खतरा आने के लिए poses हो पाता है.
of or relating to behavior; "behavioral sciences" Synonyms: behavioural,
How to say behavioral in Hindi and what is the meaning of behavioral in Hindi? behavioral Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by