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English-Hindi > etymologist

etymologist meaning in Hindi

etymologist sentence in Hindi
1.Even now, there is no consensus among historians and etymologists.

2.The origin of the expression is in heated dispute among slang etymologists.

3.As sobersided etymologists of historic phrases say, hot dawg!

4.Etymologists analyse related languages using a technique known as the comparative method.

5.Evan Morris is an American columnist, author and etymologist.

6.An etymologist will tell you it means " little worms ."

7.It would be a zany etymologist's dream.

8.Controversy rages among etymologists over the meaning of huff.

9.Modern etymologists have followed Orion's first option.

10.Vasmer and other etymologists derive the name of Smolensk from the Smolnya River.

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a lexicographer who specializes in etymology

How to say etymologist in Hindi and what is the meaning of etymologist in Hindi? etymologist Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.