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haematuria meaning in Hindi

haematuria sentence in Hindi
1.In 1881 he retired from active hospital life due to a Haematuria infection.

2.Microscopic haematuria with or without proteinuria may be seen.

3.Microscopic haematuria and hypertension may also been seen.

4.By contrast, in nephritic syndrome red blood cells pass through the pores, causing haematuria.

5.Mesna is used therapeutically to reduce the incidence of haematuria when a patient receives ifosfamide or cyclophosphamide for cancer chemotherapy.

6.Clinically, haematuria and proteinuria are present, with or without nephrotic syndrome, hypertension, and elevated serum creatinine.

7.Haematuria and proteinuria have also been observed following Ivermectin treatment, but this is common when using Ivermectin to treat onchocerciasis.

8.Alterations in their capacity to filter the substances transported in the blood mean that proteins but not cells pass into the urine ( hence no haematuria ).

9.Adults are found in the venous plexuses around the urinary bladder and the released eggs travels to the wall of the urine bladder causing haematuria and fibrosis of the bladder.

10.A higher incidence of ptaquiloside, and some very high concentrations, are found in areas where bovine enzootic haematuria and / or acute haemorrhagic syndrome was known to occur.

  More sentences:  1  2
the presence of blood in the urine; often a symptom of urinary tract disease
Synonyms: hematuria,

How to say haematuria in Hindi and what is the meaning of haematuria in Hindi? haematuria Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.