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learn the ropes meaning in Hindi

learn the ropes sentence in Hindi
ऊँच-नीच समझना
learn    ज्ञान प्राप्त
the    वही यह वह वही वह
1.You have to work hard to learn the ropes and the rules.

2.As Stepashin learns the ropes, who is running the country these days?

3.These volunteers will help professors and students learn the ropes on Wikipedia.

4.An experienced hand can also help a new homeowner learn the ropes.

5.As the trio learns the ropes, they have stepped up their pace.

6.Knapp will help LeMond learn the ropes, especially chassis set-ups and aerodynamics.

7.It takes two years for the new president to learn the ropes.

8.It takes a while to learn the ropes of freeway driving.

9.I saved it as a subpage so I could learn the ropes first.

10.His two recruiters are working only on commission until they learn the ropes.

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How to say learn the ropes in Hindi and what is the meaning of learn the ropes in Hindi? learn the ropes Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.