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learned meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'lə:nid ]  sound:  
learned sentence in Hindi
1.When I learned, some years ago, that writers were expected
सालों पहले जब मैंने यह सुना कि लोग यह सोचते थे कि

2.That was one of his songs that you learned, or how did that happen?
अपने उनका यह गीत सीखा था, या यह कैसे हुआ?

3.I also learned, don't reveal your source,
मैनें ये भी सीख लिया था कि अपने स्रोत के बारे में किसी को मत बताओ,

4.We think by studying how the sounds are learned,
हमारे विचार में इस बात का अध्ययन करके कि स्वर कैसे सीखे जाते हैं,

5.And you know what I've learned?
बताना चाहूँगा कि मैंने इनसे क्या सिखा हैं

6.You've already learned, first of all,
आप पहले से ही सब सीख चुके हैं,

7.That validated the way that I knew that kids learned,
जो कि उसी पद्धति को स्थापित करता है, जिससे मेरी समझ से, बच्चे सचमें सीखते हैं

8.That was the first thing I learned,
यह पहली बात मैंने सीखीं थी,

9.Because that's how you learned.
क्योंकि तब ऐसे ही सीखते थे।

10.So this is what I learned.
तो मुझे ये पता चला ।

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established by conditioning or learning; "a conditioned response"
Synonyms: conditioned,

highly educated; having extensive information or understanding; "knowing instructors"; "a knowledgeable critic"; "a knowledgeable audience"
Synonyms: knowing, knowledgeable, lettered, well-educated, well-read,

having or showing profound knowledge; "a learned jurist"; "an erudite professor"
Synonyms: erudite,

How to say learned in Hindi and what is the meaning of learned in Hindi? learned Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.