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learnability meaning in Hindi

learnability sentence in Hindi
1.His research interests also include phonetically based phonology and learnability.

2.PAC learnability implies the existence of an Occam algorithm for that concept class.

3.It was noted for the quality and learnability of its type-in program listings.

4.Before defining learnability its necessary to define good approximations of a distribution \ textstyle D.

5.In the following we will define learnability of f when data have suffered some modification.

6.Description : Proving that weak and strong learnability are equivalent in the noise free boosting method.

7.It provides a 3D world using OpenGL graphics and a block-based graphical language to increase ease of use and learnability.

8.Although learnability of a class of distributions can be defined using any of these distances, applications refer to a specific distance.

9.With Bruce Tesar ( Rutgers University ), Smolensky has also contributed significantly to the study of the learnability of Optimality Theoretic grammars.

10.Learnability of Minspeak systems may heavily depend on the quaility of its teaching and how often it is used with a specific child.

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How to say learnability in Hindi and what is the meaning of learnability in Hindi? learnability Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.