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maastricht meaning in Hindi

maastricht sentence in Hindi
1.Maastricht is, after all, a very strong rallying cry.

2.All countries are subject to the Maastricht criteria, he said.

3.The Maastricht Treaty sets standards for entry into the monetary union.

4.The Maastricht treaty on European unification may help investors, too.

5.To achieve the Maastricht criteria, the budget is going down.

6.The Maastricht treaty allows those criteria to be interpreted with flexibility.

7.The 1992 Maastricht treaty outlines the criteria for European monetary union.

8.But the path from Maastricht to today was filled with obstacles.

9.Those increases come at a crucial time for the Maastricht criteria.

10.We will do everything to fulfill the Maastricht criteria in 1996,

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How to say maastricht in Hindi and what is the meaning of maastricht in Hindi? maastricht Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.