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sacramental meaning in Hindi

sacramental sentence in Hindi
1.There had been an improbable story hung on sacramental plot gimmicks.

2.I do not believe the Second Amendment is a sacramental element.

3.A sacramental cowskin was spread on the ground before the door.

4.It always did, as if compelled by some sacramental obligation.

5.It tends to make people more involved in the sacramental aspects.

6.Sacramental marriage confers a perpetual and exclusive bond between the spouses.

7.From this source all sacraments and sacramentals draw their power ."

8.It is therefore classified as a sacramental, not a sacrament.

9.They conclude with an ardas and the distribution of sacramental karahprasad.

10.His area of specialization at the doctorate level was sacramental theology.

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of or relating to or involving a sacrament

How to say sacramental in Hindi and what is the meaning of sacramental in Hindi? sacramental Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.