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scrubland meaning in Hindi

scrubland sentence in Hindi
1.Banner-tailed kangaroo rats generally live in grasslands and scrublands.

2.The species is also known from coastal scrublands and chaparral areas.

3.It is usually the dominant plant in scrubland or low woodland.

4.Most of the administrative area consists of farmers fields or scrubland.

5.The landscape varies from Garrigue or scrubland to Holly Oak forests.

6.Most of them evergreen vines of dry scrubland and thickets.

7.Habitats include savanna woodlands, grasslands, and dry scrublands.

8.This area is commonage covering approximately 200 acres of pasture and scrubland.

9.This region is now largely dry Central Ranges xeric scrubland.

10.This frog inhabits dry scrubland and semi-arid areas.

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an uncultivated region covered with scrub vegetation

How to say scrubland in Hindi and what is the meaning of scrubland in Hindi? scrubland Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.