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English-Hindi > scruff

scruff meaning in Hindi

scruff sentence in Hindi
1.He had pulled England along by the scruff of the neck,

2.Thomas once tried to get Scruff cleaned, but he refused.

3.If they squirm, lift them up partway by the scruff.

4.To bring you in by the scruff of the neck.

5.He came at me and grabbed by the scruff of the neck.

6.Scruff launched a Gay Slang Dictionary app in January 2014.

7.The hair prickles on the scruff of the neck.

8.My father came out and grabbed me by the scruff of my shirt.

9.The game features artwork by Mikko Walamies and music by Mr . Scruff.

10.Harrison invited the Apple scruffs into Abbey Road Studios to hear the results.

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the back side of the neck
Synonyms: nape, nucha,

How to say scruff in Hindi and what is the meaning of scruff in Hindi? scruff Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.