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English-Hindi > yellowfin" sentence in Hindi

yellowfin in a sentence

11.Yellowfin tuna / ahi ( Hawaii line-caught OK)

12.Yellowfin tuna often travel in schools with similarly sized companions.

13.Increasingly popular ahi poke is generally made with yellowfin tuna.

14.The yellowfin grouper is a hearty fish, often reaching 10 kg.

15.An attractive animal, the yellowfin grouper is a popular aquarium fish.

16.:: Are you connecting the SATA power cable to the yellowfins?

17.A 30-pound yellowfin tuna from the Pacific.

18.2chunks of yellowfin tuna, 4-5 ounces each

19.10 ounces sushi-quality yellowfin tuna, finely diced

20.Crew members on the Yellowfin, which was nearby, saw the crash.

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How to say yellowfin in Hindi and what is the meaning of yellowfin in Hindi? yellowfin Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.