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English-Hindi > yellowfin" sentence in Hindi

yellowfin in a sentence

41.Yellowfin tuna, another large, valuable variety, may be just as threatened, they say.

42.Sport fishing for yellowfin tuna exists on a smaller scale in many other parts of the world.

43.(January 2014 ) Yellowfin lauded for usability in 2014 Nucleus Value Matrix for Business Intelligence & Analytics

44.The yellowfin sole was originally described as " Pleuronectes asper " by Hubbs in 1915.

45.People in Korea catch and eat the yellowfin goby raw, and often become infected with flukes.

46.Van Wormer recalled fishing through huge schools of yellowfin tuna off the East Cape during the early 1960s.

47.A half hour after Ball's fifth yellowfin was aboard, 27 boats were on the tuna.

48.White sturgeon from Oregon goes into the smokers, along with loins of yellowfin tuna from the Pacific.

49.Yellowfin, the type most often found in good fish stores and restaurants, is worth seeking out.

50.They loaded boxes of yellowfin tuna, cans of frozen fruit juice, dinner rolls and yellow onions.

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