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English-Hindi > yellowfin" sentence in Hindi

yellowfin in a sentence

31.Yellowfin tuna circled in silence, as fast as 40 miles an hour, shimmering gold.

32.The initial target was yellowfin tuna.

33.Munro termed it the yellowfin bream.

34.Yellowfin initially developed a ROLAP ( Relational OLAP ) tool for a SAAS application software vendor.

35.Last week, a yellowfin tuna, another semitropical fish, was landed not far from here.

36.Mike May, who caught the rare yellowfin tuna last week, welcomes the El Nino change.

37.VARIATION : Use halibut, yellowfin tuna or mahi mahi in either of the two recipes above.

38.The water offshore is celebrated for its bounty of marlin, yellowfin tuna and mahi-mahi.

39.House members Thursday criticized a new federal rule limiting recreational fishermen to three yellowfin tuna a day.

40.You can get your arms pulled off by big wahoo or yellowfin tuna or . . ..

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How to say yellowfin in Hindi and what is the meaning of yellowfin in Hindi? yellowfin Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.