Even his place of birth is shrouded in mystery . उनका जन्म कहां हुआ , इस पर भी रहस्य का पर्दा पडा हुआ है .
He too was then cursed by his father , who said that he -LRB- Vishnu -RRB- would subsequently be born as an Acharaj , a collector of shrouds in the cremation grounds , in the Kaliyuga . उसे भी कजियुग में ' अचारज ' बनकर मुर्दों के कफन उतारने का शाप मिला .
In contrast, burqas and niqabs should be banned in all public spaces because they present a security risk. Anyone might lurk under those shrouds - female or male, Muslim or non-Muslim, decent citizen, fugitive, or criminal - with who knows what evil purposes. संक्षेप में इस्लामी सर पर पहनावे के लिए पश्चिम में कोई सामान्य नियम नहीं है।
The body stays in the house for two or more days according to the status of the deadman 's family , then it is wrapped in a shroud and placed on a bier and carried to the cremation grounds . परिवार के स्तरानुसार मृतक की दो-तीन दिन धर में रखा जाते है.मृतक को अर्थ में कफन आदि से साजाकर श्मशान भूमि ले जाते है .
At the cremation grounds , the shroud is torn into five pieces , four of which are hung upon the four corners of the funeral pyre and the fifth is placed on the forehead of the dead one . कफन को पांच टुकडों में फाड़कर चार टुकड़े चिता के चारों कोनों पर लटका दिए जाते है.और पांचवां मृतक के सिर पर रखा जाता है .
Its sittings were held “ in a tumbledown building in an obscufe Calcutta lane ” and its proceedings were shrouded in mystery . इसकी बैठकें कलकत्ता की नामालूम-सी गली में , एक टूटी-फूटी इमारत में हुआ करती थीं औरइसकी सारी गतिविधियां रहस्य के पर्दे में ही संपन्न हुआ करती थीं .
It has been said in the Upanishads and Mahabharata that :history puranabhya vedarth“” means ved shroud be explainted by the purans बृहदारण्य कोपनिषद् तथा महाभारत में कहा गया है कि इतिहास पुराणाभ्यां वेदार्थ मुपर्बंहयेत् अर्थात् वेद का अर्थविस्तार पुराण के द्वारा करना चाहिये।
During Dasara The power of devi is spreaded all over for nine days.All over the world is effected by her power.Every where there will be shrouds of victory. दशहरे के पहले नौ दिनों (नवरात्रि) में दसों दिशाएं देवी की शक्ति से प्रभासित होती हैं व उन पर नियंत्रण प्राप्त होता है दसों दिशाओंपर विजय प्राप्त हुई होती है।
(nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind Synonyms: sheet, tack, mainsheet, weather sheet,
a line that suspends the harness from the canopy of a parachute
wrap in a shroud; "shroud the corpses"
cover as if with a shroud; "The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery" Synonyms: enshroud, hide, cover,
form a cover like a shroud; "Mist shrouded the castle"
How to say shroud in Hindi and what is the meaning of shroud in Hindi? shroud Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.