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English-Hindi > unfruitful

unfruitful meaning in Hindi

unfruitful sentence in Hindi
1.There was much unfruitful work and friction between the two organizations.

2.God commanded us to confront this demonic spirit s unfruitful works.

3.It came after a long series of unfruitful sexual adventures.

4.Both described the meeting as rational and calm, if ultimately unfruitful.

5.A search for current mortgage interest rates is similarly unfruitful.

6.Hungarian political movements and attempts to regain independence proved unfruitful.

7.Anarres citizens are forced to contend with a relatively sparse and unfruitful world.

8.The Mustangs opening drive proved to be unfruitful and ended in a punt.

9.Mohini-Vishnu declines saying that union of two same sex women was unfruitful.

10.The ideas were discussed, but proved unfruitful.

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not fruitful; not conducive to abundant production

How to say unfruitful in Hindi and what is the meaning of unfruitful in Hindi? unfruitful Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.