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vaccinationist meaning in Hindi

vaccinationist sentence in Hindi
1.McTaggart is an anti-vaccinationist.

2.It was part of a wider anti-vaccinationist movement, arguing that vaccination did more harm than good.

3.:: Also see Anti-vaccinationist # Autism controversies, Causes of autism # Vaccines, and MMR vaccine controversy.

4.After an 1879 visit to New York by prominent British anti-vaccinationist William Tebb, The Anti-Vaccination Society of America was founded.

5.Despite this, the finished statue, unveiled by Queen Victoria's consort, Prince Albert, was a'triumph for the vaccinationist cause '.

6.The couple has two children, Kia and Alexis, and has caused controversy for being an anti-vaccinationist and not allowing her children to be vaccinated.

7.In 1904, he wrote an anti-vaccinationist pamphlet titled " Vaccination Brought Home to You, " which documented two cases of children's bad reactions to vaccines.

8.Both through his charitable foundation and individually, Hefner also contributes to charities outside the sphere of politics and publishing, throwing fundraiser events for Much Love Animal Rescue as well as Generation Rescue, a controversial anti-vaccinationist campaign organization supported by Jenny McCarthy.

9.Wakefield is barred from practising as a physician in the UK, He lives in the US where he has a following, including prominent celebrity anti-vaccinationist Jenny McCarthy, According to Deer,, he lives near Austin with his wife, Carmel, and four children.

10.According to Trilling, Newman was " a militant vegetarian, an intransigent anti-vivisectionist, an enthusiastic anti-vaccinationist . " Newman described himself as " anti-everything " . " The perfection of the soul, he said, lay in its becoming " woman ".

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How to say vaccinationist in Hindi and what is the meaning of vaccinationist in Hindi? vaccinationist Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.