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English-Hindi > wheelhouse

wheelhouse meaning in Hindi

noun plural: wheelhouses   
wheelhouse sentence in Hindi
1.But Butler-Wheelhouse reckons on more opportunity there than elsewhere.

2.It's the hanging curve in the Bulls'wheelhouse.

3.With him in the wheelhouse was Shawn Richter, a deckhand.

4."It's dark in the wheelhouse at night.

5.The Galley and Wheelhouse have kitchens and dining / activity areas.

6.The wheelhouse was spacious with a single binnacle and brass wheel.

7.The wheelhouse was open to the rear straight onto the deck.

8.Strikes in the wheelhouse also shrink the radius of the wheelhouse.

9.Strikes in the wheelhouse also shrink the radius of the wheelhouse.

10.Passengers were made beds in the wheelhouse and the engine room.

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an enclosed compartment from which a vessel can be navigated
Synonyms: pilothouse,

How to say wheelhouse in Hindi and what is the meaning of wheelhouse in Hindi? wheelhouse Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.