Only some of them had wheels; others were mounted on wheelless sleds.
I was inclined to say " Wheel-less "-but " Wheelless " wouldn't have bothered me.
And the reason is apparently that " Wheeless ", a surname, is more common than the word " wheelless ".
He said this on the grounds that when you type " Wheelless " into Google, it says " Did you really mean'wheeless'? " . . . sheesh!
He was awarded the Reich Patent number 643316, " Schwebebahn mit r�derlosen Fahrzeugen, die an eisernen Fahrschienen mittels magnetischer Felder schwebend entlang gef�hrt wird " ( the invention of a hovertrack with wheelless vehicles which hover along iron rails using magnetic fields ).
having no wheels or having no wheeled vehicles; "dragging a wheelless stoneboat filled with rocks"; "wheelless societies"
How to say wheelless in Hindi and what is the meaning of wheelless in Hindi? wheelless Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by