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wheeling and dealing meaning in Hindi

wheeling and dealing sentence in Hindi
wheeling    व्हीलिंग पहियों
and    तथा एवं और एवं औ और
dealing    क्रय-विक्रय
1.Duquette's track record for late-summer wheeling and dealing is a good one.

2.Pundits write of Johnson's ambition, his persuasive power, his wheeling and dealing.

3.Wheeling and dealing has produced weak returns for Fleet shareholders this year.

4.However the wheeling and dealing shakes out, the pace will be dizzying.

5.Locally, people complained the Barrick's wheeling and dealing made Indonesia look backward.

6.WHEELING AND DEALING Three magazines take a look at the 1998 automobiles.

7.The wheeling and dealing Sharks have rescued Craig Janney from hockey gulag.

8."I'm looking forward to wheeling and dealing down the road ."

9.Such wheeling and dealing initially had insular Santa Fe residents reeling.

10.His dad, Jack, was too busy wheeling and dealing before he got whacked.

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How to say wheeling and dealing in Hindi and what is the meaning of wheeling and dealing in Hindi? wheeling and dealing Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.